Effective: 01/09/2024
The table below shows the various exception codes that appear on the AP Sorter and AP VOLT page. For detailed steps for each exception category, see the corresponding sections. Please ensure ALL fields are accurately filled in on the AP Sorter page and AP VOLT page and check for duplicate vouchers before processing exceptions.
Statements that list individual invoices require validation of invoices that have been paid. Return notification should only identify unpaid invoices and instruct that individual invoices are returned for payment.
Please identify the RTA or RTS designation for the ECM team.
Associates must use the appropriate Exception Code and Standard Comment. Additional comments by associates are expected to be in correct case, meaningful, and have correct spellings.
Each comment must contain at the end of the comment the date and initials of the AP Associate.
Items on the Sorter page that are incomplete or have any of the above inefficiencies will be returned by ECM to the originator.
Exception Code |
Exception Category |
Brief Description |
Agency Submitted Invoice |
Supplier Submitted Invoice |
Comments |
00 |
Interface Process | This is system assigned by VOLT for vouchers awaiting creation. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
PPF Policy | No PPF provided with invoice (Submitted by Agency) | Assign to ECM as RTA | N/A |
[RTA] Please resubmit the invoice through the OBM FSS Agency Portal at https://fssportal.obm.ohio.gov. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] |
PPF Policy | Old version of PPF | Assign to ECM as RTA | N/A | OBM FSS is no longer accepting this version of the PPF.
Please resubmit the invoice through the OBM FSS Agency Portal at https://fssportal.obm.ohio.gov. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] |
Dispatch the PO | PO in Approved status | Agency Sorter | Agency Sorter | [RTA/RTS] The Purchase Order associated with this invoice has a status of approved and requires the agency to dispatch the Purchase Order. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Valid PO Not Listed | PO missing on invoice | Agency Sorter | N/A | [RTA] A valid Purchase Order is required, and must be identified on an acceptable Accounts Payable form or return from your agency sorter to FSS with processing instructions, or resubmit the transaction. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Valid PO Not Listed | PO cut off | Agency Sorter | N/A | [RTA] The Purchase Order number listed on the invoice is incomplete/truncated. Please return from agency via Sorter page with the complete PO number. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Valid PO Not Listed | FY 18 PO required | Agency Sorter | Agency Sorter | [RTA/RTS] Ohio’s new fiscal year began on 7/1/( ). Services performed on/after 7/1/( ) require a FY( ) purchase order (PO). The PO number provided is for FY( ). | |
Invalid PO Listed | PO not in OAKS | Agency Sorter | Agency Sorter | [RTA/RTS] The Purchase Order number listed on the invoice is not in OAKS. Please return from agency via Sorter page with the complete PO number. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Duplicate Invoice | Duplicate voucher in OAKS | Validate/Reject Image | Validate/Reject Image |
[RTA/RTS] The invoice have been processed for payment and assigned voucher number (insert duplicate voucher ID. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] |
Supplier not in OAKS | No Supplier ID in OAKS for this Supplier |
Supplier: Check SO Tracker, Assign to ECM as RTS State Employee: Email SO and process invoice when updated |
Supplier: Check SO Tracker, Assign to ECM as RTS State Employee: Email SO and process invoice when updated |
[RTA/RTS] The Supplier identified for payment is not set up as conducting business with the State of Ohio. Supplier must complete online registration at OhioPays.ohio.gov to be set up for invoice processing. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] |
PO/Invoice Supplier doesn't match | PO supplier does not match Invoice Supplier | Agency Sorter | Agency Sorter |
[RTA/RTS] The Supplier identified to receive payment is not the Supplier identified on the Purchase Order. Please Close the PO or supply a valid PO. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] |
Remit to not in OAKS | Remit to address not in system |
Supplier: Check SO Tracker, Assign to ECM as RTS State Employee: Email SO and process invoice when updated |
Supplier: Check SO Tracker, Assign to ECM as RTS State Employee: Email SO and process invoice when updated |
[RTA/RTS] The Supplier remit to address information is not registered with the State of Ohio. Supplier forms must be completed by visiting OhioPays.ohio.gov, to identify the exact address referenced on the invoice you wish to direct payment. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] |
Not an Invoice | Time sheet only | Validate/Reject Image | Validate/Reject Image | [RTA/RTS] FSS received the attached submission, an invoice does not accompany the time sheets. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Not an Invoice | E-mail header only | Validate/Reject Image | Validate/Reject Image | [RTA/RTS] The attached submission does not contain an invoice. FSS only received the e-mail header information. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Not an Invoice | Spam mail (travel fliers/special offerings) | Validate/Reject Image | Validate/Reject Image | [RTA/RTS] received the attached submitted solicitations), which is not an invoice. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Not an Invoice | Other documents (quote) | Agency Sorter | Agency Sorter |
Insufficient PO Funds | Not enough money on Dispatched PO | Agency Sorter | Agency Sorter | [RTA/RTS] The Purchase Order (PO) referenced on the invoice does not contain sufficient funds to process the transaction. Please increase the available funds for the PO or provide a new PO with processing instructions. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Future Dated Invoice | Unless the invoice is for goods or services described in the "Pre-payment of Expenses" section of the "Vouchers and Expenditures SAFE Policy," if an invoice date is greater than 3 business days as of the current day, follow the steps provided on the Exception Code 10 link. | Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTA | [RTA/RTS] FSS received the attached Invoice. The invoice date is greater than the received date. Please correct the date or resubmit to FSS on the invoice date. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
P-card Paid | Invoice paid by P-Card | Validate/Reject Image | Validate/Reject Image | [RTA/RTS] FSS received the attached submitted invoice. The attached invoice indicates that it was paid with an agency payment card. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Items not received/Services Incomplete |
Items not received Services incomplete |
Assign to ECM as RTS | Assign to ECM as RTS | [RTA/RTS] FSS received the attached submitted invoice. The state agency that goods or services were supplied to indicate that the goods were not received or services provided are incomplete. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Rescan Mail (FSS Scans) | Image needs re-scanned that were scanned as FSS by ECM | Assign to ECM | Assign to ECM | [RTA/RTS] Please re-scan the attached image. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Year End Close | Only used at Year End Close per AP Coach Request | N/A | N/A | "Message or direction will be given from AP Coaches during this time period." | |
Improper Invoice | Invoice # not populated | Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTS | [RTA/RTS] FSS received the attached submitted invoice. The invoice number field on the attached invoice is blank. Please resubmit invoice with the invoice field populated. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Improper Invoice | Missing Invoice Pages | Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTS | [RTA/RTS] The attached invoice does not contain the number of pages as indicated on the invoice. Please resubmit the invoice containing the entire number of pages included in the invoice. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Improper Invoice | Line item totals do not match invoice totals | Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTS | [RTA/RTS] FSS received the attached submitted invoice. The attached invoice's line items (Itemized list for goods or services) does not match the invoice amount due total. Please correct the invoice and resubmit to FSS. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Improper Invoice | No Remit to address on invoice | Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTS | [RTA/RTS] FSS received the attached submitted invoice. The attached invoice is improper; it does not contain a remit to address for payment. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Improper Invoice | Multiple Invoices/1 image (E-mail/Fax only) | Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTS | [RTA/RTS] FSS received multiple invoices scanned as one file. Please remember that each invoice with its supporting documentation must be scanned together as one file and must be in .pdf or .jpg format. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Improper Invoice | Unable to read invoice (E-mail/Fax only) | Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTS | [RTA/RTS] FSS received the attached submitted invoice which are illegible and cannot be processed. Please resubmit the invoices in a legible format; acceptable formats are TIF, TXT, and PDF & JPEG. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Improper Invoice | Invoice description of goods/services purchased | Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTS | [RTA/RTS] FSS received the attached submitted invoice. The attached is improper in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 125.01(b). The invoice does not contain a description of goods and/or services provided. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Improper Invoice | Backup documentation needed - Personal Service Training | Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTS |
[RTA/RTS] This voucher requires supporting (backup) documentation:
Improper Invoice | Backup documentation needed - Space/room rental or equipment | Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTS |
[RTA/RTS] This voucher requires supporting (backup) documentation:
Improper Invoice | Backup documentation needed - Food Event | Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTS |
[RTA/RTS] This voucher requires supporting (backup) documentation:
Improper Invoice | Backup documentation needed - Advertising | Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTS |
[RTA/RTS] This voucher requires supporting (backup) documentation:
Improper Invoice | Backup documentation needed - Promotional items/Paid for Sponsorships | Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTS |
[RTA/RTS] This voucher requires supporting (backup) documentation:
Improper Invoice | Backup documentation - Car rental | Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTS | [RTA/RTS] This voucher requires supporting (backup) documentation:
Improper Invoice | Backup documentation - Personal Service Travel | Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTS |
[RTA/RTS] This voucher requires supporting (backup) documentation:
Improper Invoice |
Invoice date of services rendered/service period. |
Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTA | [RTA/RTS] FSS received the attached submitted invoice. The attached is improper in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 125.01(b) .The invoice does not contain the date services rendered/service period." [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Agency to Process |
I&E Payments Agency has requested to process payment |
Validate/Reject Image | Validate/Reject Image | [RTA/RTS] FSS received the attached submitted invoice. The State agency indicates that the invoice should be or has been paid through EDI [Initials][MM\DD\YY]. | |
Agency to Process | Agency Denied - Invoice should be paid through EDI. | Agency Sorter | Agency Sorter | [RTA/RTS] FSS received the attached submitted invoice. Please advise if invoice should go through EDI process [Initials][MM\DD\YY]. | |
Agency to Process | Invoice paid through EDI | Validate/Reject Image | Validate/Reject Image | [RTA/RTS] FSS received the attached submitted invoice. Please advise if invoice should go through EDI process [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Agency to Process | The PO is set up as Pcard PO. | Agency Sorter | Agency Sorter | The PO is set up as Pcard PO. Please verify if this has been paid. If not, please return with processing instructions. | |
Zero Balance Invoice | Invoice has zero balance | Validate/Reject Image | Validate/Reject Image | [RTA/RTS] FSS received the attached submitted invoice. The invoice has a zero balance due. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Credit Memo | Invoice has a credit amount | Agency Sorter | Agency Sorter |
[RTA/RTS] Submit this credit memo with invoice in which the credited amount can be applied to FSS. Keep the attached for your records. Return this image via the sorter page upon completion and FSS will reject original image. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] |
No Funds Available on PO | PO is complete | Agency Sorter | Agency Sorter | [RTA/RTS] The Purchase Order associated with this transaction has been completed. Please provide a valid PO to complete this transaction. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
No Funds Available on PO | PO has $0.00 left on it | Agency Sorter | Agency Sorter | [RTA/RTS] The Purchase Order associated with this transaction has an encumbrance that is depleted. Please provide a new Purchase Order to complete this transaction. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Threshold Exceeded | Controlling Board (CB) waiver is needed | Agency Sorter | Agency Sorter | [RTA/RTS] Purchase Order (Insert PO #) has failed threshold validation. Please cancel the PO and, create a new PO containing the Controlling Board Waiver,Contract ID or DAS release and permit number. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Threshold Exceeded | Threshold has been exceeded with that supplier | Agency Sorter | Agency Sorter | [RTA/RTS] Purchase Order (Insert PO #) has failed threshold validation, a release and permit number from DAS is required or contract ID. Please cancel PO, and create a new PO. Resubmit to FSS via the sorter page with the updated PO information. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Non-Participating Agency | Non-participating Agency Invoice | Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTS | [RTA/RTS] The buying agency responsible for the goods or services provided is not an OBM Financial Support Services participating partner. Please submit invoices directly to the responsible agency. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Unable Determine BU/Origin (agency) | Invoice has no agency or origin identifier on invoice | Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTS | [RTA/RTS] The buying agency responsible for payment cannot be determined on the invoice. Please contact the State agency to request the agency Business Unit and Origin Code be added to this and future FSS invoice submissions. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] | |
Multiple Issues | Invoice has several issues and cannot be processed. | Agency Sorter | Agency Sorter | [RTA/RTS] Your FSS invoice has the following issues [List all of the issues].[Initials] [MM/DD/YY]
Per Agency Request | The invoice has been requested to be returned by the participating agency. | Assign to ECM as RTA | Assign to ECM as RTS | [RTA/RTS] Per agency request, your invoice is being returned for the following reason: [Insert Agency Comments]. Resubmit the invoice to FSS with corrective action. [Initials] [MM\DD\YY] | |
Non-Matching Receipt(s) by amount or QTY. | The Dollar amount or QTY of the referenced receipts do not match invoice or line item values. | Agency Sorter | Agency Sorter |
[RTA/RTS] Comment for Receipts: The receipts selected for use do not match by QTY or dollar amount. Please modify the receipt to match item/line totals and return to FSS for processing. [Initials] [MM\DD\YY] |
Non-Matching Receipt(s) by amount or QTY. | The receipt may have not been created with the Receipt required checkbox marked, if processed with PO only it will go into Match Exception. | Agency Sorter | Agency Sorter |
[RTA/RTS] Comments for processed voucher being returned: This voucher was processed using a PO only and was in Match Exception. The PO is marked receipts required, but there are no receipts created. Please create receipt to match item/line totals and return to FSS for processing. [Initials] [MM\DD\YY] |
Rounding Issues | The PO is not liquidating correctly. | Agency Sorter | Agency Sorter |
The PO is not liquidating correctly causing a discrepancy with the QTY/UNIT PRICE. Please review the PO to determine the issue. |
Coach/CRM Review | Coach/CRM Review is required. | Exception Team 1 | Exception Team 1 | Associate to provide a brief description of the issue to be reviewed and place image on the Team 1 sorter page. | |
Special Handling Agency | Special Handling Agency | Exception Team 1 | Exception Team 1 | Associate to assign the Business Unit and Supplier Name and place image on the Team 1 sorter page. | |
Service Location | Service Location is Required | Agency Sorter Page | Agency Sorter Page | Please provide a service location for where the goods and/or services were provided. A voucher cannot be created without a service location, this went into effect for FY2024 invoices. | |
31 | Statements | Statements not acceptable as invoice | Agency Sorter | Assign to ECM as RTS |
[RTA/RTS] FSS received the following Statement from the supplier. Please review and contact the supplier if action is required. Change to Return from Agency once supplier has been contacted to reject. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] |
32 | Disconnect Notices | Statements not acceptable as invoice | Agency Sorter | Assign to ECM as RTS |
[RTA/RTS] FSS received the urgent documentation. To avoid service interruption, please contact the supplier. Change to Return from Agency once supplier has been contacted to reject. [Initials][MM\DD\YY] |
Invalid SpeedChart/Coding | SpeedChart or Coding has an invalid FSS string. | Agency Sorter | Agency Sorter | [RTA/RTS] The supplied FSS Combinations are failing during voucher entry, please provide [Insert Failed FSS]. [Initials] [MM\DD\YY]
Comment For Capital: [RTA/RTS] The supplied FSS Combination is using a capital expense Account code, please provide the required Project number. [Initials] [MM\DD\YY] |
Interface Error | These are vouchers that failed VOLT Voucher Build. Determine error and update Exception Category code. | N/A | N/A | N/A |