Effective: 01/09/2024

Single Pay Voucher - Invoice Information Tab

The Invoice Information tab displays with the invoice details previously entered on the Add a New Value tab. Continue entering additional invoice data (e.g., Pay Terms, Invoice Lines, Distribution Lines, etc.) using the steps below.

  1. Enter the Invoice Received date based on the "Determining Invoice Date" process.
  2. Update the Origin Code field with the Origin Code of the agency location or division for which the voucher is being created to route the voucher to the correct FSS participating agency approver.
  3. Enter the date on which the goods or services were received in the Last Receipt Date field.


  1. Verify or enter the Total (Invoice Total) as it appears on the invoice image.

  1. Click Comments link to communicate information to the agency relevant to the processing of the voucher.

  2. Click Attachments link if you need to add supporting documentation to the voucher.

  3. Select the Pay Terms (automatically displays the supplier's preferred payment terms, based on the supplier record).

There are 5 required fields in the Distribution Lines section. These fields are referred to as “FSSs” and are: Fund, Account, ALI, Department, and Service Location. When using a SpeedChart, it is critical that information is entered in a specific order for OAKS to correctly update the FSS lines.

  1. Is a SpeedChart provided on the Invoice/FSS Pre-Processing Form?
    1. YesYes

      • The SpeedChart is used in OAKS FIN as a shortcut to enter frequently used FSS combinations. When SpeedCharts are used, the Distribution Line pre-populates so there is no need for any manual FSS entry.

      If partial coding or an invalid FSS string is provided refer to "Working an Exception Code 96: Invalid SpeedChart/Coding."

      1. Enter the SpeedChart Key in the SpeedChart field.
        • Always look up a SpeedChart on the "Vendor Account Table" for Non-PO vouchers when there is no coding provided on the PPF.
        • When using a SpeedChart, it is critical that information is entered in a specific order for OAKS to correctly update the FSS lines.
        • If a SpeedChart contains distribution lines, the invoice amount must be entered prior to applying the SpeedChart. Best practice is to always enter the invoice amount when applying a SpeedChart.
      2. The SpeedChart Key will automatically populate the Distribution Lines with the agency pre-determined FSS values.
        • If the SpeedChart was created with multiple FSS lines, the lines will display in the Distribution Lines section. Each line will allocate the amount entered in the Line Amount field based on the percentages set during the creation of the SpeedChart.
      1. Enter the Account.
        • The appropriate Account Code must be used. An Account Code is acceptable if the description of the account code closely relates to the goods or services received.

    2. NoNo
      1. Is FSS Coding provided on the  Invoice/FSS Pre-Processing Form?
        1. YesYes

          If partial coding or an invalid FSS string is provided refer to "Working an Exception Code 96: Invalid SpeedChart/Coding."

          1. If the PPF/invoice is provided with line item coding, update the Distribution Lines with the invoice line coding provided on the invoice. All of the FSS coding provided on the PPF/invoice must be entered in the applicable field.
            • If partial coding is provided, use agency default SpeedChart coding and enter the partial coding provided.
          2. Enter Merchandise Amt (for this distribution line).
            • The entire amount of a voucher can be entered into one distribution line or split across multiple lines as applicable (e.g., sharing cost between two different departments).
            • The total of the Amount fields on all distribution lines must equal the total amount displayed in the Extended Amount Field (Invoice Total) or an error will display.
          3. Enter Quantity (for this distribution line).
            • GL Unit automatically populates with "STATE." Do NOT change.
          4. Enter Fund (or search for code using search icon) to identify the appropriate agency fund code for the expenditure.
          5. Enter Account (or search for code using search icon).  
            • Account Code definitions are issued by OBM / State Accounting and may be updated periodically during the year.
            • Account Codes provided on the FSS Standard Invoice Pre-Processing Form must be evaluated for accuracy.
              • If the Account Code provided is incorrect, use the correct Account Code and enter the comment, "A/C provided <insert the Account Code provided by the agency>, used <insert the Account Code entered to create the voucher>," in the voucher Comments and Payment Note on the Payment Comments  link.
            • Upon Refresh,an error message will display if a 1099-Reportable Account Code is entered in the Account FSS.
            • Account Code is acceptable if the description of account code closely relates to the goods or services received.
            • When using a capital expense Account Code 57xxxx, the Project ChartField is required. If no Project Number is provided, contact your AP Coach.
          6. Enter ALI (Appropriation Line Item)code (or search for code using search icon).
          7. Enter Department (or search for code using search icon).
          8. Enter Program Code (or search for code using search icon).
          9. Click Add Icon (plus sign on the right side of the line)to add additional invoice lines (as needed).
          10. If provided, update the Term Contract ID (if item related to State Term Contract) with a valid contract ID (based on effective dates).
            • OAKS FIN automatically populates Description field if the purchase is from a State Term Contract and the Item field contains a value.

          11. Verify MBE Flag field with "E," "M," or "N" based on the FSS Standard Invoice Pre-Processing Form.

            • MBE Flag Guidance

        2. NoNo

          If partial coding or an invalid FSS string is provided refer to "Working an Exception Code 96: Invalid SpeedChart/Coding."

          1. If the PPF/invoice is provided without a SpeedChart Key or FSS Coding, update the Invoice Lines section by following the steps below.

          2. Refer to the "Agency Default Coding" topic to determine if the Default SpeedChart should be entered.

          3. Enter the correct agency default SpeedChart in the SpeedChart field.

          4. Enter the Account Code.

            • The appropriate Account Code must be used. An Account Code is acceptable if the description of the account code closely relates to the goods or services received.

            • When using a capital expense Account Code 57xxxx, the Project ChartField is required. If no Project Number is provided, contact your AP Coach.
          5. If provided, update the Term Contract ID (if item related to State Term Contract) with a valid contract ID (based on effective dates).

            • OAKS FIN automatically populates Description field if the purchase is from a State Term Contract and the Item field contains a value.

          6. Verify MBE Flag field with "E," "M," or "N" based on the FSS Standard Invoice Pre-Processing Form.

            • MBE Flag Guidance

  1. Add additional fields if directed per agency with the exception of the Description field (indicated via PPF, Agency Request for Payment, or Agency created invoice).
  1. If processing a voided warrant request from RSC, enter the Description field.
  2. Verify MBE Flag field with "E", "M", or "N" based on the FSS Standard Invoice Pre-Processing Form.
  3. Click Calculate button to calculate the Invoice Total and single Invoice Lines.  
  4. Confirm that the Difference (the difference between the sum of the Distribution Lines and Invoice Total) displayed is 0.00.
  5. Click the Payments tab.
  6. Next Steps - "Single Pay Voucher - Payments Tab"