Effective: 03/15/2021

Creating a Voucher with an ENC Purchase Order

Encumbrance (ENC) Purchase Orders are created using "ENC" as the supplier when agencies need to encumber funds, but the recipient is unknown (e.g., grant payments, capital contingency). If the supplier is "ENC," the voucher will need to be created manually to update the supplier information fields to match the supplier information on the invoice.


  1. Verify or update the Business Unit field with the buying agency's Business Unit (i.e., the state agency receiving the goods and/or services as reflected on the invoice image).
  2. Verify or update the Origin Code field with the Origin Code of the agency location or division for which the voucher is being created to route the voucher to the correct FSS participating agency approver.
  1. Verify or edit Pay Terms.

    • The Pay Terms will default to "Due Now" or to the pay terms specified on a contract when a Contract Number is referenced.
    • Correct usage of supplier Pay Terms allows OAKS FIN to calculate late interest charges, early payment discounts, etc., (based on the Invoice Date).

  1. Enter Invoice Number based on the "Determining Invoice Number" process.
  2. Enter the Invoice Date based on the "Determining Invoice Date" process.
  3. Enter the Invoice Received Date based on the "Determining Invoice Date" process.
  4. Enter the date on which the goods or services were received in the Last Receipt Date field.


  1. Enter the Invoice Total as it appears on the invoice image in the Invoice Amount field.
  1. FSS is to voucher the payment for JFS UC Tax Contribution Section Unemployment invoices only from the "Additions to Balance" unless the backup documentation  for past due balances is submitted or attached.


  1. Enter any additional information provided on the invoice.

  2. Click Create Manual.

  1. Select the Reason Code lookup icon and select "ENC Purchase Order."
  2. Click OK.

Updating the Add a New Value Tab

  1. Do NOT change the Voucher ID.
  2. Do NOT change the Voucher Style.
  3. Clear the GrFSS Invoice Amount field.
  4. Click Add button.


Update the Invoice Information Tab

  1. Enter the Invoice Received Date based on the "Determining Invoice Date" process.
  2. Enter the date on which the goods or services were received in the Last Receipt Date field.


  1. Expand the Copy From Source Document section to search for a "Purchase Order Receipt" to confirm the existence of a valid receipt.

    1. Select "PO Receipt" from the Copy From dropdown list.
    2. Click Go.
      • The Copy Worksheet page displays the Receiver Lookup Criteria.

    1. Update PO Business Unit with the Business Unit of the agency who created the purchase order.
    2. Update PO Number with the purchase order number.
    3. If a Receipt Number is provided on the invoice or the FSS Standard Invoice Pre-Processing Form (PPF):
      1. Enter the Business Unit in the Receipt Unit field.
      2. Enter the Receipt Number in the Receipt Number From field.
    4. Click Search.
      • All receipts available for use affiliated with the specified purchase order displays.
    5. If a valid, matching receipt is not available, click OK. Close this procedure window and enter a voucher comment explaining why the receipt was not used via the Comments link.
    6. If a valid, matching receipt is available, click View All to display all Receiver Lines (i.e., Receipts).
      1. Click the Select checkbox to the left of each applicable Receiver Line (i.e., Receipt Line) to copy to the voucher.
      • The entire receipt (all Receiver Lines) must match the invoice total exactly (excluding shipping).
      • All Receiver Lines must be used.
    7. Click Copy Selected Lines.
      • The voucher line and distribution line details on the Invoice Information tab update based on the receipt lines selected and cannot be modified.
    8. Continue to update the remaining invoice details.

  1. If no PO Receipt is found, click Back to Invoice.
  2. If the agency did not create a receipt that matches the invoice, create the voucher using only the Purchase Ordercreate the voucher using only the Purchase Order.
    1. Select "Purchase Order Only" from the Copy From dropdown list.
    2. Click Go.
    • The Copy Worksheet page displays. Use the Copy Worksheet page to specify the PO number and copy the appropriate purchase order lines into the voucher.
    1. Enter the PO Business Unit.
    2. Enter the purchase order number in the PO Number From field.
    3. Click Search to view the purchase order lines.
    • The available PO Lines display.
      • If the purchase order provided on the invoice or PPF is invalid (PO No. field with a red background).
      • If a purchase order does exist, but will not cover the full payment, refer to "Working an Exception Code 09: Insufficient PO Funds."
      • Do not research or search for another PO when creating a voucher.
        • Exception: If the PO on the Invoice or Standard Pre-Processing Form (PPF) is missing 1 or 2 digits and the processor can determine the correct PO, use the correct PO and add a comment on the voucher. Do not use the PO if it is exhausted, invalid, not dispatched or if there is a PO/supplier mismatch.
    1. Click Select checkbox to the left of each PO line that should be copied into the voucher.
    2. Review the UOM field on the Main Information tab to determine if the purchase order is distributed by Amount or Quantity (e.g., HR, EA, or QTY).
    3. If the UOM is "AMT" - update the Merchandise Amount field with the invoice total.
      • When the purchase order is amount-based, do not change the Quantity field on the Invoice Information page (leave the default of "1").
      • When encumbered by amount, the voucher will match by price, thus the remaining dollar amount will be available to voucher.
      • The tolerance level for how much can be referenced on a PO vs. the remaining dollar amount available is defined at the Item ID level or Business Unit level. The general standard is a 10%tolerance.
    4. If the UOM is Quantity (e.g., HR, EA, or QTY) - update the Quantity Vouchered field to reflect the quantity on the supplier invoice.
      • When the purchase order is quantity-based, do not change the Unit Price field .
      • APO setup by quantity will be liquidated by quantity; therefore, the quantities being vouchered must be calculated.
      • If the lines on the PO matched to the voucher are by quantity, a debit line cannot be added to the voucher by amount (it must also be quantity).
    5. Click Copy Selected Lines.
    • The invoice and distribution line details on the Invoice Information tab update based on the PO line(s) selected.
  3. Add additional invoice lines (if needed).
  1. Validate the Account Code in the Account field.
  2. Enter the Total (Invoice Total) as it appears on the invoice image.
  3. Click Calculate to validate the line amount matches the sum of the distribution amount.
  4. Confirm that the Difference (the difference between the sum of the Distribution Lines and Invoice Total) displayed is 0.00.
  5. If there are multiple distribution lines:
    1. Click Adjust PO Percentage.
      • A messagemessage displays stating that the PO Percentage contains different values.


    2. Click YesYes to adjust the percent values on the page.


      • The percent fields are now editable and the values are reset to the same as PO Percent values.
    3. Click Allocate by Percentage.
      • The Merchandise Amt and Quantity are adjusted to the correct percentage as the PO Percentage.
  6. Once the Invoice Lines section has been updated, click the RefreshRefresh  button on the Invoice Information Section.


  7. Click View/Edit Source link to view the PO/Receipt Comments.
    1. Click PO/Receipt Comments.

    2. Review the Comments and make the necessary updates as applicable to the voucher.

      • Edit supplier MBE or EDGE status as on the Invoice Information tab applicable to the pre-processing or PO comments, If MBE/EDGE field is grayed out (cannot be changed), enter a voucher comment and FSS Comment indicating correct MBE/EDGE status cannot be flagged as OAKS field is locked. See the "Reviewing/Updating the Invoice Lines" section for more details.

    3. Click OK.

  8. Verify MBE Flag field with "E," "M," or "N" based on the FSS Standard Invoice Pre-Processing Form.
  9. Select the Pay TermFSSically displays the supplier's preferred payment terms, based on the supplier record).
  10. Update the Origin CoFSSith the Origin Code of the agency location or division for which the voucher is being created to route the voucher to the correct FSS participating agency approver.
  1. Click Comments link to enter necessary commentsnecessary comments.

    • The amount on the receipt does not match the amount on the invoice.
    • OAKS rounding issues.
      • State Accounting authority to deviate up to $2.00 based on OAKS rounding issues.
        • If account code(s) can not be debited, pay closest to invoice amount.
        • If account code(s) can be debited, debit code the remaining balance of the invoice.
    • CRM Cases (Include CRM Case number).
    • Reversal/Corrective Vouchers.
      • Once the Reversal Voucher has been completed,enter the original voucher number on the Corrective Voucher.
      • Enter Corrective Voucher number on the original voucher.
    • Stop Payments/Warrant Cancellations.
    • MBE/EDGEMBE/EDGE field is grayed out and cannot be changed.
      • Edit MBE Flag as applicable to the pre-processing or PO comments, if MBE/EDGE field is grayed out (cannot be changed), enter a voucher comment via the Comments link indicating correct MBE/EDGE status cannot be flagged as OAKS FIN field is locked.
      • If the voucher will complete the three-way match, then comments are not required; because the voucher will bypass the agency approval process.
  1. Click Attachments link if you need to add supporting documentation to the voucher.

  2. Click the Payments tab.

PO Voucher - Payments Tab

The Payments tab displays with the invoice details previously entered on the Invoice Information tab. Continue entering additional supplier and/or payment information using the steps below.

Remember, when creating vouchers from Purchase Orders (POs), the supplier information is automatically populated with the data from the purchase order.

Entering Supplier Information

  1. The supplier information (i.e., Pay Terms, Remit To, Location, and Address) entered on the Invoice Information tab automatically populates the Payments tab. Accept the default and continue processing unless the invoice falls into the exception listed below.

Entering Payment Information

  1. Update the Handling field if instructed by the FSS Standard Invoice Pre-Processing Form (PPF).
  2. Add a payment message.

      • EFT Payments do not require the FSS payment message.

    1. If a payment message is provided on the FSS Standard Invoice Pre-Processing Form, enter the message in the free-form Message field (up to 56 characters).

      • Do not add any phone number (the "FSS" Message will populate the FSS contact information).

      • Do not add any confidential information or sensitive information.

    2. Click the Messages link to add the standard OBM Financial Support Services payment message to appear on warrant (CHK) remittances.

      • The Payment Message page displays.

      • Enter "FSS" in Message field.

      • Click OK.

  3. Before saving, double-check all fields.

  4. Click Save or Save For LaterSave For Later.
    • The Save for Later function allows users to save vouchers that are in progress, but not completed; users can come back later to complete the voucher.
      • The following details are required in order to use the Save for Later functionality:
        • Supplier Information
        • Invoice Date
        • Last Receipt Date
        • Account Code
      • After a voucher is saved for later, a voucher number will be created, but no voucher balance or combo edit checks will be performed. OAKS FIN automatically assigns the next sequential number in the Voucher ID field.
      • A status of Incomplete (“I”) will be displayed and the voucher will not be routed for approval. Instead, it will go into a recycled status and be displayed in the Voucher Processor's Work Center.
      • Another Voucher Processor with the same security may complete the pending voucher.