Determining Invoice Number
Invoice numbers are required for accurate voucher processing in OAKS FIN. This information will assist the FSS associate in determining the correct information to enter in the OAKS FIN Invoice Number field. This is a guide to determine a unique number.
Follow this link to the new Prompt Payment, Invoices, and Vouchers Policy in the SAFE Manuel.
When using an itemized Statement to create a voucher, use the Statement Number if no invoice number is listed on the document.
To process a Summary/Consolidated Invoice, follow the guidelines below:
- If a summary/consolidated invoice is received without a separate invoice(s)/folio(s), for each invoice/folio listed, it must be returned to the sender.
- If a summary/consolidate invoice is received with a separate invoice(s), the voucher is created.
- Check each individual invoice separately to ensure they have not already been paid. Any individual invoices that have already been paid should be excluded from the total.
GBEX InvoicesGBEX Invoices
Voucher processors will use the Supplier Invoice # when creating a voucher for GBEX invoices.
- GBEX invoices contain two invoice numbers (Supplier Invoice # and Invoice #). Since most GBEX invoices are received via EDI, RACM uses the Supplier Invoice # when building a voucher. This exception helps agencies and RACM to reconcile invoices, apply credits, and determine whether or not a payment may be a duplicate.