Effective: 07/01/2021

Unpaid Voucher Reports

The purpose of this report is to identify vouchers that have not paid out yet, the reason[s] why the voucher has not paid, and to resolve any associated issues so that the voucher will be paid or closed.  This query is run one or two times per week as needed.



  1. Enter “OH_AP_WKLY_FSS_UNPAID_VOUCHERS” in the begins with field.
  2. Click Search.


  1. Click Excel link under Run to Excel.
  2. Save the Excel file to the desktop.
  3. Return to Query Viewer screen.
  4. Repeat steps for "OH_AP_FSSVCHR_PENDING_OBM_APP" query.
  5. Open both Excel files.
  6. Delete row 1 that contains the report totals.
  7. Save each file again.
  8. Prepare to analyze the unpaid vouchers by performing a VLOOKUP to identify the vouchers that are still pending OBM State Accounting approval.
  1. On the “OH_AP_WKLY_FSS_UNPAID_VOUCHERS” file, insert a column to the right of the Voucher Number column [column B].
  2. The new column added should be column C.
  1. Click cell "C2".
  2. Click the Insert Function [fx] icon.
  3. The Insert Function screenInsert Function screen displays.


  1. Select VLOOKUP under Select a function.
    1. If the VLOOKUP is not listed, select "All" under Or select a category.
    2. Scroll down under Select a function.
    3. Select VLOOKUP.
    4. Click OK.
  2. The Function Arguments screenFunction Arguments screen displays.


  1. Place your cursor in the Lookup_value field.
  2. Click cell "B2" of the Unpaid Vouchers spreadsheet.
  3. Tab to the Table_array field.
  4. Click to highlight "column B" in the Pending OBM Approval spreadsheet.
  5. Tab to the Col_index_num field.
  6. Enter "1".
  7. Tab to the Range_lookup field.
  8. Enter "False".
  9. Click OK.
  10. This will return a value or NA in cell "C2".
  1. Copy the formula from cell "C2".
  2. Select cells "C3" through "C1087".
  3. Click on "Paste SpecialPaste Special".


  4. Select Formulas.
  5. This will copy the formula into the selected "C" cells and return a voucher number if there is a matching value in the Pending OBM Approval spreadsheet. If there is no matching value, the function will return "NA".
  1. Save the Unpaid Vouchers spreadsheet.
  2. Close the Pending OBM Approval spreadsheet.
  3. Begin analyzing the spreadsheet to determine why vouchers have not paid out, by adding filters to the Unpaid Voucher spreadsheet.
  1. In column "C", filter out everything except "NA".
  2. Ones with a voucher number are still pending State Accounting approval.
  1. Determine why a voucher has not paid out by looking at the information provided and the status in the following columns:
    1. Entered Date
    2. Scheduled Pay Date

    3. Vendor Status

      1. A = Active

      2. I = Inactive

    4. Vendor Location Status

      1. A = Active

      2. I = Inactive

    5. Entry Status

      1. G = SGLP Error

      2. H = Threshold Error

      3. L = Reviewed

      4. P = Postable

      5. R = Recycle

      6. T = Template

      7. X = Deleted

    6. Match Status

      1. E = Exception

      2. M = Matched

      3. N = No Match

      4. O = Overridden

      5. T = Ready

    7. Approval Status

      1. A = Approved

      2. D = Denied

      3. P = Pending

    8. Voucher On Hold

      1. Y = Yes

      2. N = No

    9. Budget Status

      1. E = Error

      2. N = Not Checked

      3. V = Valid

      4. I = In Process

    10. Post Status

      1. P = Posted

      2. U = Unposted

    11. Payment On Hold

      1. Y = Yes

      2. N = No