Effective: 03/07/2019

Sorter Exceptions Query

The purpose of this query is to review the FSS and agency sorter pages for invoice images that could potentially be processed but are for some reason still sitting on the sorter pages. This could include: images where the agency has provided a comment/instruction but failed to complete the “Return From Agency” process; images misassigned by FSS associates; or images needing a Coach review and direction. There are two options to view Interface Errors:


Option 1: Via the FSS Sorter Page

  1. Go to the UDS Image Matching Page Status = Exception.
  2. Filter on combinations of Sort Status, Work Group, Exception Category, and Business Unit for various scenarios.
  3. Review both FSS Comments and Agency Comments.
  4. Look for images that can be processed into a voucher, or returned to the supplier.


Option 2:  Via the OH_AP_FSS_SORTER_EXCEPTIONS query

  1. Run the “OH_AP_FSS_SORTER_EXCEPTIONS” query via the OAKS Query Viewer.
  2. Click Excel.
  3. Click Open on File Download.
  4. Add filters to the MS Excel spreadsheet.
  5. Analyze the query results by filtering on combinations of Sort Status, Work Group, Exception Category, and Business unit.
  6. Review both FSS Comments and Agency Comments.
  7. Look for images that can be processed into a voucher, or returned to the supplier.